Our collective fatigue is the result of endlessly producing without reflection.
Reflection is how we build inner strength.
Providing recreation groups in acute mental health adult services my daily tempo is, intense.
I KNOW you too are ON from the moment you walk in the door at work.
I actively seek stillness and silence to balance the energy expended by pausing to
refresh and restore myself.
This New Year I am continuing the tradition of hosting a virtual workshop where
after a joyful yet intense holiday season.
Gather with me LIVE Saturday February 15, 2025
This year please chose which time offering works best
12-3 pm/est
4-7 pm/est
(Each will have their own registration link so please double check your selection at check out. )
The workshop flow looks something like this…
Conscious Gratitude
When we paint over our pain with premature positivity, we short-circuit our healing.
We delay our wellness.
Bonus: A guided mindfulness technique
Making Pleasure & Comfort a Priority
Bonus: explore sensory comfort strategies
Bonus: Creative Expression Project: Air dry clay demonstration and time to create together!
Release & Reset
Part of the restoration is releasing what no longer serves us.
Bonus: a simple ritual for letting go and intentionally planning what is
nourishing into our calendars.
Join me LIVE in this this warm space designed for you to experience
extreme self-care from a sensory perspective.
Explore and find your comfort zone through these sensory explorations:
Gentle Stretch & Breath Exercise, Creative Expression Project, short descriptive exercise, sounds to soothe your soul, mindfulness technique a warm meditation, featured winter p0oetry, and comfort sensory ideas to explore.
I provide a simple material list to bring to retreat, workbook pdf and
certificate of attendance for 3 hours.
Within this generous space we have the opportunity to be seen, heard, and
appreciated by other
amazing folks!
“Surround yourself with the dreamers, and the doers, the believers, and thinkers, but most of all, surround yourself with those who see the greatness within you, even when you don’t see it yourself.” – Edmund Lee
We gather LIVE Saturday February 15, 2025
Come for refreshment and fill up YOUR cup!
JOIN me and this WARM Experience HERE
Questions: [email protected]